The BQA Assessments are an on-site educational tools that allow for assessing and benchmarking key indicators of animal care and well-being as well as facility/equipment conditions. The Assessments focus on three main areas – Protocols and Best Management Practices (BMPs), Records and Record-keeping, Animal welfare and handling, Condition and upkeep of Facilities and Equipment.
The Assessments may be utilized as a self-assessment or conducted by a second-party assessor (Veterinarian, Consultant, Extension Educator, etc.). The real key, regardless of who conducts the assessment, is that the assessment be repeated on a periodic basis so that comparisons may be made, trends observed, and management actions be taken to maximize animal care and well-being, as well as, operation efficiency.
These Assessments consist of multiple assessment points grouped into nine main categories. These assessments are about continuous improvement helping identify items and create benchmarks that may need to be improved including animal handling, facility/equipment maintenance, and recordkeeping/BMPs among other items. Repeating an assessment on a regular basis can help a feedyard identify trends and take appropriate management action as necessary.
BQA Assessor's Guides
Click here to view the most up to date BQA Assessments
Nebraska BQA Feedyard Forms
Nebraska Feedyard can complete the following forms with their feedlot consultants, veterinarian, BQA Director or Extension Educator to be listed on the National Feedyard BQA Assessment Report:
Feedyard Standard Operating Procedures (Word Doc)
- Guide for Judicious Use of Antibiotics
- Animal Carcass Disposal
- Animal Health Product Receiving, Storage and Handling Protocol
- Broken Needle Procedures
- Daily Observation Log
- Emergency Action Planning
- Feed and Water Analyses
- Pen Surface Management (Indoor)
- Pen Surface Management (Outdoor)
- Humane Euthanasia of Cattle
- Management of Non-Ambulatory Cattle
- Medicated Feed Additive Protocol
- Preventative Herd Health Protocol
- Processing, Vaccination and Treatment Records
- Protocol for Security, Biosecurity and Biocontainment
- Protocol for Shipping Cattle
- Receiving, Acclimation and Processing Cattle Protocol
- Treatment Protocol
- Water Tank Management