National Beef Quality Assurance Awards

Beef Quality Assurance Awards Program

The National BQA Award recognizes outstanding beef and dairy producers, marketers, and educators that best demonstrate animal care and handling principles as part of the day-to-day activities on their respective operations. A common trait among all contest entrants must be a strong desire to continually improve BQA on their operations while encouraging others to implement the producer education program.

National BQA award winners are selected by a committee of representatives from universities, state beef councils and affiliated groups. Nominations can be submitted by any organization, group, or individual on behalf of a U.S. beef producer. Individuals and families may not nominate themselves, however, the nominees are expected to be involved in the preparation of the application. Five National BQA Awards (Beef Cow-Calf, Feedyard, Dairy, Marketer, and Educator) are funded in part by The Beef Checkoff program with additional financial support provided by Cargill Meat Solutions. The program promotes beef quality assurance in all segments of the industry, including commercial cow-calf, seedstock, stocker operators, feedlots and dairy operations. 

Know an operation or educator in the state of Nebraska you’d like to nominate for a BQA Award? Let us know! You can also nominate your own operation!

Cow-Calf Award

Wulf Cattle

Wulf Cattle believes animal care is essential for the long term viability of their business, and their focus on quality incorporates daily discussion on Beef Quality Assurance Best Management Practices.
Marketer Award

Samson, Inc.

Samson, Inc. started as a family farm and feedyard that has blended traditional agriculture production with agricultural services towards a goal of increasing opportunities through value-added services and networks.

Dee Griffin. DVM

Dr. Dee Griffin has been a BQA Certified Trainer in Nebraska and served on Nebraska’s BQA Advisory Board since the program’s inception in 1987. He started the first “Train the Trainer” sessions in Nebraska and has traveled from one end of the state to the other educating BQA Trainers.

Will Feed, Inc.

Will Feed Inc. is very focused on implementing BQA in every aspect of the feedyard. Anne Burkholder, owner, head cowboy, feeding foreman, environmental steward and marketing manager, ensures that her pharmaceutical reps, nutritionist and anyone else contributing to the operation are BQA certified.